Monday, May 28, 2007

FAE Interview

For the Fantasy Art on Etsy Street team:

Name: L. Pendragon
Location: Hershey-Harrisburg, PA (Come to Hershey - We have chocolate)
Fun Fact: I am a Tea Snob. I refuse to drink coffee and am picky about what tea brands I drink - for the record: Celestial Seasonings, Stash, Twinnings and Teatley are on the OK list. Bigelow and Lipton are on the Not ok list.
What is your workspace like? A mess. Always. I can't remember that I have something unless I can see it so I don't use boxes or drawers much. Also, I'm operating out of a one bedroom apartment so there isn't much space.
What makes you happy? I'm making an effort to be optimistic and happy about something new everyday. My (private) nightly journal always ends with the phrase "today was magical because...".

What sparked your love for fantasy? How old were you? - The first chapter book I remember reading with my mother was The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald. I was pretty little. I have no idea if that sparked my love of fantasy or not, but I don't remember a time when I wasn't fascinated with fantasy.
What do you like most about the fantasy genre? - I love the fact that fantasy uses your imagination. Nothing is against the rules in fantasy!
What is your favorite fantasy book/movie/series? - Now, that's just asking for a list. There are too many that are my favorites. But right now, I'm reading through Diane Duane's Young wizard's series (I highly recommend it, it's fascinating.) and if SciFi counts, I'm watching Star Trek: the next generation on DVD.

Are you formally trained or self-taught? - mostly self taught. I took a couple of art classes in College (Drawing and Print-making) but I mostly learned how to do stuff on my own.
Any artists who inspire you? - My Mom (who does amazing calligraphy, paints beautiful watercolors and quilts) and my grandfather (who does woodworking). Both of them do art because it's what they love and don't make any profit from it.
What do you hope people will feel when they see your art? - I hope people will look at my art and think "that's interesting!" and "I know someone who would Love that!".

What advice would you give to other artists/Etsy sellers? -Etsy takes Time, outside of what you use to make your art or craft. You need to spend lots of time advertising and talking up your work.
How do you handle criticism? - Sadly, not real well. I'm glad for the chance to improve, but I tend to take things personally.
What motivates you? - I'm still trying to figure that out... I'm pretty sure it's a complex equation involving the weather, the last piece of fabric that caught my eye, the book I'm currently reading and my husband's newest research topic.

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